Corporate Politics
Do you find yourself blocked in the progress of your career? Do you run into supervisors who seem to have a negative perception of you for no reason? Does your excellent work product go unnoticed?
Gardner Employment Law offers strategizing and career solutions along with our legal advice. Not every problem at work is entirely a legal problem. While we are not therapists, our many years of experience in solving employment problems gives us the foundation to offer practical solutions that you might not have considered.
How to Recognize the Barrier
The first step to removing an obstacle in your career path is to recognize who befriends and supports you at work and who seems to be more of an adversary. Sometimes your adversary can be your direct supervisor. You must be realistic, step back from the day-to-day grind, and listen to your “gut.” If it happens that your supervisor is holding you back, for whatever reason, you may need to face that cold, hard fact.
Years ago I learned many principles from an old book first published in 1971, “Games Mother Never Taught You.” Although this book was first published years ago for women who had not worked inside Corporate America, it contains some insightful truisms about corporate gamesmanship that applies to everyone. And one truism is, unless you are the majority shareholder of the company, to get ahead you need a benefactor with clout. You must work the “politics” to your advantage.
What to Do About the Barrier
Of course, this is the quintessential question: What should I do, what action should I take? Some employees have a gift, a sixth sense, in knowing how to navigate the inner sanctum of the company, how to work those “political” relationships. Those of us who are not born with that gift must learn the skill of making things happen for our benefit. It can be learned.
That is where Gardner Employment Law can assist you. In our consulting services, we first explain your legal rights so that you are armed with that critical knowledge. We then make recommendations regarding how to assert or use those legal rights to your advantage. It is the client’s decision as to what ultimate actions she or he will take, but we give you practical strategies that you might not have considered.
How Do I Know What Will Work
I have found over the years that employment cases are very fact specific. In other words, every client’s situation is unique. We can discuss legal principles, but applying them to your circumstances will depend on many factors. Only you can make the decision about what to do. Our job is to give you accurate legal information, so that you know the boundaries. Then we make recommendations regarding what we believe will produce the results that you are seeking.
We brainstorm with you, applying the legal principles to the facts of your unique situation. Then many times a somewhat magical feeling comes to my clients. More than once I have heard comments such as, “I feel much better after talking with you.” Going through this process will provide your brain with the clarity to take the right action.
Also, I am in your corner all the way. I am there to guide you, to be your safety net. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish!
Arriving at the Solution
If you are bogged down at work, at a standstill in your career, make the right call. Start with us.