Barbara Gardner frequently is sought by associations, colleges, publishers, and symposia to share her expertise on all matters of employment law. Below is a sampling of her speeches, articles, and panel discussions. Gardner’s penchant for educating and inspiring others has arisen from her many years in advocating for clients, four years teaching at the University of Houston Law Center, and her ongoing mentoring of young lawyers taking defining steps in their own careers.
Law Related Speeches and Publications
- Paper: “Current Status of Non-Compete Law,” Texas Employment Lawyers Association Annual Fall Seminar, October 14, 2023
- Speech: “How to Settle Claims Before Filing Suit,” Texas Employment Lawyers Association, Annual Spring Seminar, April 29, 2023
- Webinar: “New COVID-19 Laws,” National Employment Lawyers Association, Houston Chapter, June 2020
- Panel Discussion: “Tips and Traps in Legal Hiring,” Houston Bar Association, May 2019
- Speech: “Sexual Harassment and the ‘Me Too’ Movement,” Houston Paralegals Association Annual Conference, April 2018
- Publication: “Employment Disputes: Arbitration Is Not Appropriate,” Texas Bar Journal, March 2017
- Speech: “Strategies in Handling Employment Cases,” Houston Top Trial Lawyers Seminar, May 2014
- Speech: “How to Develop Your Pre-Trial Strategy to Win Your Trial and Protect if Appealed” Presidents’ Personal Injury Trial Attorney Seminar, September 2013.
- Speech: “Running for Election in Texas,” West Houston Chamber of Commerce, May 2013
- Speech: “What Lawyers Like and Don’t Like About Mediators,” panel member for Annual Conference on ADR, ADR Section of Houston Bar Assn., May 2013
- Speech: “More Women Elected: The Good News and the Bad News,” National Association of Women Business Owners, Houston Chapter, December 2012
- Speech: “The Art of Hiring & Firing,” Houston Bar Association, August 2011
- Speech: “Discovery Update,” Employment Law Section Meeting, State Bar, Dallas, January 2010
- Publication: “Profits for Solo-Small Law Firms,” Houston Bar Journal, December 2009
- Speech: “Women: Winning in the Workplace,” American Business Women’s Association, July 2009
- Speech: “Evaluating an Employment Case,” University of Houston Law Foundation, May 2009
- Speech: “The Art of Hiring and Firing,” State Bar of Texas, Law Practice Management Course, Houston, February 2009
- Speech: “Harassment, Sexual and Otherwise,” University of Houston Law Foundation, December 2008
- Speech: “Dealing with the Top Dogs: A Lawyer’s Guidance,” South Texas College of Law Employment Law Conference, July 2008
- Speech: “Disclaimers, Retainers, Fee Agreements, and Circular 230,” State Bar of Texas, Law Practice Management Course, Dallas, May 2008
- Speech: “Recent Developments in Discrimination Law: Age, Gender, Race, Etc., and Newer Issues from Body Art to Lifestyles,” University of Houston Law Foundation, December 2007
- Paper: “Opening Statement – Getting the Jury’s Attention,” Cutting-Edge Employment Law Strategies, October 4-5, 2007
- Speech: “Race, Sex & Religious Discrimination: Developments in the Law,” University of Houston Law Foundation, April 2006
- Speech: “Five Keys to Employment Contracts,” South Texas College of Law Annual Employment Law Seminar, July 2005
- Speech: “Race, Sex & Religious Discrimination: Developments in the Law,” University of Houston Law Foundation, March 2005
- Panel Discussion: “The Biggest Mistakes made by Texas Employers from the Plaintiff’s Perspective,” 4th Annual Employment Law Symposium, Houston Chapter of the Texas Association of Business, November 18, 2004
- Speech: “Practical Aspects of the Whistle Blower’s Action under Sarbanes-Oxley,” Houston Chapter of the Institute of Internal Auditors, November 8, 2004
- Speech: “Truth or Consequences: How to Handle Discrimination Claims,” Willowbrook Rotary Club, September 17, 2004
- Speech: “Avoiding Problems in the Workplace,” Midtown Business Network, June 17, 2004
- Speech: “Independent Contractor or Employee?” National Association of Remodelers, May 27, 2004
- Speech: “Whistle Blower’s Action under Sarbanes Oxley,” Association for Women in Computing, May 19, 2004
- Speech: “Race & Sex Discrimination: Developments in the Law,” University of Houston Law Foundation, April 2004
- Speech: “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby — History of Laws on Sex Discrimination,” American Business Women’s Association, League City Chapter, April 13, 2004
- Speech: “When Mediation Fails – A Lawyer’s Perspective,” Texas Community College Association Annual Convention, February 21, 2004
- Speech: “What is Discrimination Really?” American Business Women’s Association, Houston Chapter, February 19, 2004
- Speech: “Hiring and Firing the Right Way,” Willowbrook Rotary Club, February 5, 2004
- Speech: “Employment Law Made Easy,” National Association of Remodelers, January 29, 2004
- Speech: “What Professional Women Need to Know About Employment Law,” Women’s Chamber of Commerce of Texas, September 2003
- Speech: “Race & Sex Discrimination: Developments in the Law,” University of Houston Law Foundation, March & April 2003
- Speech: “Arbitration: The Trend Away From the Courthouse,” Council on Education in Management, February 2003
- Speech: “Arbitration: Why Do We Need a Court System?” University of Houston Law Foundation, September 2002
- Speech: “Screening Employment Cases,” Fort Bend Bar Association Meeting, October 1999
- Speech: “Analysis of Dismissal Order in Jones v. United States & William Clinton,” Practice & Procedure Committee Meeting, Missouri Bar Ass’n, May 1998
- Speech: “ADA Mixed-Motive Analysis: Plaintiff’s Perspective,” Council on Education in Management, October 27, 1997
- Speech: “Sexual Harassment Cases: Interviewing the Judiciary,” Kansas City Association of Women Attorneys Annual Seminar, March 4, 1997
- Speech: “Wrongful Discharge: Employment Agreements and Covenants” University of Houston Law Foundation, July 24 & August 4, 1994
- Speech: “Settlement Strategies & Techniques,” Advanced Employment Law Course, State Bar of Texas, December 3, 1993
- Speech: “Love American Style or Sexual Harassment”? Labor & Employment Law Seminar, South Texas College of Law, November 1993
- Speech: “Warranties Under the DTPA,” Consumer & Insurance Law Institute, University of Houston Law Foundation, July 1993
- Speech: “Sexual Harassment,” Houston Trial Lawyers’ Association, March 1993
- Speech: “Sexual Harassment – The Plaintiff’s Perspective,” Houston Bar Association December 1992
- Speech: “Settlement Strategies & Techniques,” Advanced Employment Law Course, State Bar of Texas, November 1992
- Publication: “Toxic Torts and Strict Liability,” Houston Bar Journal, July-August 1992
- Publication: “The Amorphous Jones Act Seaman,” Houston Bar Journal, January 1988
- Publication: “Seller’s Damages Under the UCC: Refinement by Nobs Chemical,” 21 South Texas Law Journal 249
- Publication: “Article 5236f: An Interpretation of the New Texas Landlord and Tenant Act,” 20 South Texas Law Journal 343